Suan Ming which means “fate calculating” is part of daily life in many cultures today including Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese as well as in China. This is also known as Chinese fortune telling. There are numerous variations of this psychic art.
One of the most popular psychic readings, and most used in daily life, is where facial features are used to predict an era in the querents life. Here the face of the individual is divided up in three sections, with the forehead being linked to the younger age, the center of the face being your mid age or working life, and the lower section such as the chin being representative of old age. Another method used for Chinese fortune telling is the cylinder of bamboo into which a type of incense stick is inserted. This gets shaken and the incense is allowed to be shaken out of the hollow cylinder whereupon the various Chinese letters on the stick are interpreted by the psychic Chinese reader. Western culture refers to this as Chi chi sticks. The palm is also used in Chinese fortune telling. This is very similar to the western cultures palm hand reading as the lines on the hand denote things like your love life, as well as longevity and other aspects of your present and future.
Chinese Astrology also comes to the fore and is used in a different form to that of western astrology. This is centered on the “four Pillars”. The four pillars is information that is supplied by the querent to the psychic and these are then used to establish things that have already happened in the person like to show what the future path will be. The most popular method of these fortune telling methods is undoubtedly Bazi. For this you need the same things we would use in a personal astrology reading, namely year of birth, month of birth, date and time of day. Here they use four pillars which are used to determine the persons situation, their life’s destiny as well as the best job for them. Although this is not really fortune telling it still forms part of what they use as psychics. This is more a form of divination similar to our western astrology. Several different methods have been devised surrounding this type of reading including one called the “Songs on Weighing Bones” which uses the information gathered and checking it against a particular poem which is said to show you your fate in life.
All of the above psychic divination methods are used by the Chinese as well as several score more. Each has its own merits for the person receiving the reading and can be intriguing to explore.
Sarah Saxon is a Reiki Master and writes for the psychic & metaphysical industry, promoting the discovery of the personal spiritual path, and recommends the following sites: