One of the causes for us to start suffering from the loss of testosterone is our lifestyle and inadequate diets Nootropics. Therefore, the solution is in our diet. Then I tell you what foods you should try to avoid it:
Do not overdo alcohol
Although some people consider that a certain amount of alcohol can be healthy for us, the excess would lead to male sexual impotence, since it suppresses the production of testosterone.
Eat enough protein at each meal
Good quality proteins like eggs, fish, pork, oysters, chicken, turkey, and all seafood will help your body increase the production of growth hormone and testosterone. It will also help us prevent the rapid advance of aging.
Stay away from refined carbohydrates at all costs
Eating breads, pastas, cookies and cereals, make our body begin to produce large amounts of insulin that also ensures an increase in the aging process that is often accompanied by hypertension, diabetes and other diseases.
Eat foods rich in B-complex vitamins
Liver, lean meats, yeast, fish, wheat germ and peanuts are excellent sources of niacin (vitamin B complex type, which is not stored in the body). For riboflavin (vitamin B2), broccoli and plantain are excellent options.
Take small, frequent meals instead of 3 large meals a day
Feeding five times a day (small portions) is better than eating three times a day in abundance.