Have you ever dreamed to play the Battlefield 4 like a Chief? It is not a difficult task as we offer battlefield 4 hacks which have magical power to spot out your enemies and kill them in a single attack. These cheats are superb for games based on single as well as multiplayer.
You may have heard about server ban policy and software detection method for cheats. Do not get bothered because our bf4 hacks are safe due to proxy opportunity. With the help of our selected proxies, the hacks remain unobserved. Feel free as there is no risk of account cancellation.
The process for using battlefield 4 hacks is quite easy. Just log in to our site, type username and proper ID. Choose the proxy option and go for the list of hacks for your game. Add the required cheats and start playing an unconquerable game. Here is the list of our bf4 hacks for esteemed players:
Wall Hack
Super Jump
Speed Hack
No Recoil Mod
Rapid Fire
Sniper Rifle
Team ESP
ESP Tags
3D In-Game ESP
We do not only provide cheats but also give informative tips to players to win the game. If you are interested to join multiplayer Battlefield 4, we recommend you to select either Rush or Conquest mode. Understand the mode of games, various classes and methods. Experience and understanding of game pattern matter a lot. Additionally, apply some battlefield 4 hacks to get the highest score.